Writers Strike at ABC’s THE CHASE (ITV America)

NEW YORK and LOS ANGELES (March 24, 2021)- Writers at THE CHASE, a television quiz and audience participation show from ITV America, and broadcast on ABC, went on strike today at 9 a.m. EDT after the companies refused to agree to cover writers’ work under the Writers Guild of America’s Minimum Basic Agreement.
The Writers Guilds of America, East and West have informed their members that Working Rule 8 is now in effect at THE CHASE and that no Writers Guild member is permitted to write on the program.
The Writers Guild of America, East and Writers Guild of America, West represent writers at quiz and participation shows like JEOPARDY, WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE and WEAKEST LINK. The Minimum Basic Agreement guarantees quiz and audience participation show writers essential provisions like health and pension benefits and residuals.
Last week, the writers on THE CHASE and the WGAE demanded that the show be covered by the Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA). The Guild negotiated in good faith about some terms addressing specific concerns raised by ITV in connection with the current season.
On Monday ITV informed the Guild that it did not agree to apply the MBA to THE CHASE and the writers informed the company they would begin striking this morning if the company did not change its position.
The MBA must cover all seasons of THE CHASE. Accepting anything less would undermine the writers of future seasons; the Guilds’ jurisdiction over quiz, and audience participation and game shows; and all Guild members.
Lowell Peterson, Executive Director of the Writers Guild of America, East, said, “We have alerted Writers Guild members that ITV America is refusing to honor the choice of writers at THE CHASE to be represented by the union and to receive pension and health benefits, residuals, and the other basic provisions of our industry wide MBA. Guild members will stand united in not crossing the picket line at THE CHASE.”
The Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) and the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW) are labor unions representing writers in motion pictures, television, cable, digital media, and broadcast news. The Guilds negotiate and administer contracts that protect the creative and economic rights of their members; conduct programs, seminars, and events on issues of interest to writers; and present writers’ views to various bodies of government. For more information on the Writers Guild of America, East, visit www.wgaeast.org. For more information on the Writers Guild of America West, visit www.wga.org.
To support striking writers at THE CHASE, please CLICK HERE to access an updated THE CHASE Action Tool Kit that includes social media graphics and sample social media posts.