August 30, 2017
WGAE Statement on FCC Closing Comments on Net Neutrality

NEW YORK, NY (August 30, 2017) – The Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) issued the following statement regarding the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) closing comments on Net Neutrality:
“The people have spoken. Now, it is time for FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to listen to the record-shattering 22 million Americans who submitted comments to the FCC demanding that meaningful, enforceable Net Neutrality rules remain the law of the land. The Commission has been sent a very clear message that Americans want an open and free internet, one that protects entrepreneurs, innovators, creators and consumers from the narrow self-interest of the small number of deep-pocketed corporations that control access to the internet. History will not be kind to the Chair and Commissioners if they decide to wreck Net Neutrality.”
The Writers Guild of America, East, AFL-CIO (WGAE) is a labor union representing writers in motion pictures, television, cable, digital media and broadcast news. The Guild negotiates and administers contracts that protect the creative and economic rights of its members; conducts programs, seminars and events on issues of interest to writers; and presents writers’ views to various bodies of government. For more information on the Writers Guild of America, East, visit