January 22, 2025
Vox Media Union Begins Negotiations, Demand Recognition for PS (Pop Sugar)
New York, NY (January 22, 2025)—Writers Guild of America East (WGAE) members in the Vox Media Union today began negotiations with management on a third collective bargaining agreement.
The 300-member bargaining unit’s first order of business was demanding that the Vox Media wellness vertical PS (formerly Pop Sugar) be recognized as part of the Vox Media Union. The 20-member PS unit are the only non-union website under the Vox Media umbrella.
The Vox Media Union will be negotiating for fair increases in compensation that account for inflation and cost of living, expanded worker benefits, a commitment to diversity initiatives, protections around artificial intelligence and enhanced protections in the event of layoffs or termination, among other critical items.
These negotiations begin less than two weeks after Vox Media’s management announced devastating layoffs at, which came barely a month after the company announced drastic layoffs at Thrillist, Eater and PS.
The Vox Media and PS union committees said, “In its 18-year history, PS has become known as a place for joy, thoughtful criticism, and catharsis. Following a relaunch in 2024, PS has continued to evolve and grow along with readers, but behind the scenes, staffers have endured acquisitions, structural overhauls and several mass layoffs resulting in understaffing. It’s time for PS employees to have a greater say in these decisions that affect our workplace. We are looking forward to PS joining the Vox Media Union and we expect a swift recognition process without delay or division.”
Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, President of the Writers Guild of America East, said, “WGAE members at Vox Media have endured many recent challenges, but the union remains committed to making Vox Media the best possible place to work. We expect the company to come to the table in good faith to negotiate over key protections our members deserve. WGAE stands with Vox Media workers as they fight to win a contract that reestablishes trust with management and wins important workplace gains and protections.”
Tomorrow, January 23, management will begin separate union negotiations with Writers Guild of America East members at the Vox Media vertical The Dodo, which the company refuses to include in the Vox Media Union, even as all members of the Vox Media Union and The Dodo Union support consolidating the union.
The Writers Guild of America East, AFL-CIO, is a labor union of more than 7,500 members working in film, television, news, podcasts and online media. The Guild negotiates and administers contracts that protect the creative and economic rights of its members; conducts programs, seminars and events on issues of interest to writers; and presents writers’ views to various bodies of government. For more information on the Writers Guild of America East, visit