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List of Franchised Agencies

Agencies Franchised by the WGA

The Guild does not help writers in their quest to find an agent, or provide individual recommendations.

However, we do supply a list of agents who have signed the 2019 Agency Code of Conduct with the Guild.

Here are some tips on how new writers should approach agents:

  • Anyone seeking an agent should first write or telephone the agency and find out whether your type of material matches that agency’s expertise. Each agency specializes in representing certain types of material. Some agencies have specialized divisions. You should briefly detail your background and describe your material. The agency will then let you know whether or not it is interested, and to whom your material should be sent.
  • Most agencies, as a courtesy to writers, will return material sent to them if a self-addressed stamped envelope accompanies the submission. However, if your submission is not returned for any reason, you should know that the agency has no obligation to do so. This is one of the reasons we strongly recommend that you register your script before sending it to anyone.

PLEASE NOTE: The WGAE cannot assist in seeking the return of material from an agency. In addition, Guild policy restricts us from offering assistance in finding, selecting, or recommending an agent. Remember that you should always contact the Guild at 212-767-7837 to verify the status of an agency.

The agencies that appear on this list have promised not to charge fees, other than a commission, to any writer. If you find that any of these agencies do charge fees, please contact the Guild immediately.

List of Agencies Franchised by the WGA

Instructions: Use the table below to search for a signatory agency. Click on a record to see its full details.