Dear Payor:
Per terms of the Minimum Basic Agreement, all residual payments must be made by check and made payable to the credited writer(s).
The Writers Guild of America West processes these checks on behalf of the Writers Guild of America, East; checks should be delivered to the West for forwarding.
Payments must be accompanied by reports detailing market usage, receipts, and other pertinent information. In lieu of paper reports, the Writers Guild will accept, and encourages, electronic reporting.
To report residuals electronically, download and fill out the Excel spreadsheet below. Individual instructions for each column can be found by hovering your cursor over each heading. For example, column B (“Writer SSN”) specifies the 4-digit format when reporting. Once completed, the file can be sent to the WGAW’s Residuals Department for processing using the “Submit a Report” link.
Should you have any questions about filling out the report, please contact WGAE Residuals Administrator Elaine Lindsay (, or the WGAW Residuals Department at (323) 782-4700 or email them at: Residuals.
Download a Report Excel file Submit a Report (via the WGA West) (external – opens in a new window)