Member Code of Conduct

The below Code of Conduct was approved by the Council of the Writers Guild of America East to effectuate our commitment to providing a respectful, inclusive, and supportive environment at all WGAE events and in WGAE-sponsored forums and communication channels.

The Code of Conduct applies to all WGAE members and pre-WGAE members in their conduct in all Guild forums, whether physical or virtual.

Please contact General Counsel Ann Burdick at if you have any questions or concerns.

Writers Guild of America East
Code of Conduct

At the Writers Guild of America East (“WGAE” or the “Union”), we are committed to providing a respectful, inclusive, and supportive environment where everyone feels heard and valued, and can reach their fullest potential. We expect everyone in the Union to treat each other with respect and dignity at all WGAE events and in WGAE-sponsored forums and communication channels. The following Code of Conduct applies to all Writers Guild East members in their conduct with their fellow members as well as conduct with Guild staff, and applies in any Guild-sponsored spaces, whether physical or virtual. The Code of Conduct also applies to any non-members who enter into a Guild-sponsored space, whether physical or virtual.

We will not tolerate disrespectful, bullying, harassing, discriminatory, or similarly unacceptable behavior. Disrespectful behavior consists of conduct that demeans, belittles, disparages, discriminates against, or degrades another person. Bullying behavior includes behavior that is excessively domineering, pressuring, coercive, or tyrannizing. We will not tolerate this type of behavior by any Writers Guild of America East member, whether toward staff or fellow members, in any Guild-sponsored communications (verbal or written) or actions, including both one-to-one communications and communications made in a group or during meetings.


If you are subject to what you believe is unacceptable behavior under this Code of Conduct, or if you witness such behavior, we encourage (but do not require) you to inform the person engaging in the behavior that you believe it violates this Code of Conduct. If the behavior continues, or you are not comfortable directly approaching the person who you believe has violated this Code, you should immediately inform either the Executive Director or the Assistant Executive Director. If these people are not available, or you feel uncomfortable informing them, you may notify the General Counsel.

The Union takes these complaints seriously. Any complaint brought to our attention will be treated confidentially to the extent possible. We will take appropriate steps to ensure that the unacceptable behavior ceases, and the complainant is not subject to any retaliation. If we believe that retaliation has occurred, we will immediately take the steps needed to stop the retaliation.

A violation of the Code of Conduct is subject to discipline under Article X of the WGAE Constitution and By-laws and could result in a fine, suspension, or expulsion from the Guild.


Members may not record other members or guests at any WGAE meetings and events without permission. If members and/or guests have granted permission for the WGAE to use and distribute their recorded image/voice, the recording will be made available by WGAE. Members may request a link to these recordings by emailing


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