Executive Director Sam Wheeler swheeler@wgaeast.org
Deputy Executive Director Geoff Betts gbetts@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7852
Assistant Executive Director Marsha Seeman mseeman@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7820
Executive Assistant Wendy James wjames@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7811
General Counsel Ann Burdick aburdick@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7844
Director of Broadcast/Cable/Streaming News Michael Isaac misaac@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7875
Field Representative Dana Trentalange dtrentalange@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7802
Director of Film/Television/Streaming Michelle Kuchinsky mkuchinsky@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7823
Business Agent Mack Harden mharden@wgaeast.org
Field Representative, Nonfiction Television Ross Hart rhart@wgaeast.org
Residuals Administrator Elaine Lindsay elindsay@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7814
Organizer Joshua Vasquez jvasquez@wgaeast.org
Signatories Manager/ Contracts and Agency Rochelle Rubin rrubin@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7837
Director of Online Media and Podcasts Terri Nilliasca tnilliasca@wgaeast.org
Deputy Director of Online Media and Podcasts Jocelyn Krause jkrause@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7843
Business Agent Laurie Davidson ldavidson@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7827
Business Agent Rachel Harris rharris@wgaeast.org
Business Agent Juan MontaƱa jmontana@wgaeast.org
Field Representative Teo Bugbee tbugbee@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7822
Field Representative Molly Katchpole mkatchpole@wgaeast.org
Field Representative Sophie Martin smartin@wgaeast.org
Field Representative Brandon West bwest@wgaeast.org
Audit & Collections Administrator Christopher Chabot cchabot@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7815
Dues Administrator Debbie Di Orio ddiorio@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7824
Membership Administrator Kelly O’Brien kobrien@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7821
Dues Coordinator Gail Bynoe gbynoe@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7817
Membership Coordinator Venesa Gomez vgomez@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7894
Director of Organizing Justin Molito jmolito@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7808
Deputy Director for Non-Fiction and Organizing Phil Andrews pandrews@wgaeast.org
Lead Organizer Chris Aikin caikin@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7803
Lead Organizer Andrew Greenberg agreenberg@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7804
Organizer Maryam Arshad marshad@wgaeast.org
Organizer Louis Nicastro lnicastro@wgaeast.org
Organizer Ryan ryan@wgaeast.org
Strategic Researcher Kathleen Ma kma@wgaeast.org
Director of Programs & Education Dana Weissman dweissman@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7835
Awards & Events Administrator Mary Ann Lamonica mlamonica@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7812
Manager, Programs & Education Austin Rieders arieders@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7836
Director of Communications & Policy Jason Gordon jgordon@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7809
Communications Administrator Molly Beer mbeer@wgaeast.org
Communications Administrator Tiana Timmerberg ttimmerberg@wgaeast.org
Controller Asher McQueen amcqueen@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7813
Assistant Controller Farooq Ahmodu fahmodu@wgaeast.org
Office Services Administrator Matt Maxemow mmaxemow@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7854
Registration Administrator Pamela Smith psmith@wgaeast.org (212) 767-7801
Chiara Montalto-Giannini Director of Programming & Communications cmontaltogiannini@wgaeast.org