Take Action on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI Day of Action:
#AINeedsHumans + #JournalismNeedsHumans

Jump to the solidarity toolkit

Why is AI important to workers in the media and entertainment industry?

Artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t learn by magic or in a vacuum. It relies on the work — and the words — of humans to function. And like any technology, AI can cause harm when implemented without consideration of its impact on workers.

It’s simple: If AI needs to use our words, we deserve to have a say in how it’s used.

We recognize there are ways AI can support creative work — but we also know that this technology can introduce factual errors, perpetuate racist biases, compromise data privacy, and diminish readers’ and viewers’ trust. We’ve already seen publications make embarrassing fumbles by rushing out AI-generated content, resulting in widespread reputational harm and audience mistrust.

Fortunately, there are people who are uniquely positioned to help not only identify beneficial uses of generative AI in our industries, but also to flag potential problems: media and entertainment industry workers.

That’s why, while the media and entertainment industries are eager to deploy generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools far and wide, the WGAE is fighting for protections to ensure that workers aren’t left behind.

Here’s what the WGA has done – and what we’ve won – so far:

  • WGA members in Film/TV/Streaming struck for 148 days to win a fair Minimum Basic Agreement that includes critical regulations for the use of AI.
  • More than 500 WGA members filed comments to the U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) highlighting the need for public policy solutions on AI that prioritize human creativity and authorship.
  • WGA East executive director Lowell Peterson testified before the New York State Assembly’s Labor Committee and Science & Technology Committee at a joint public hearing to examine the role of AI in the workplace and what the State legislature can do to support workers.
  • The WGAE endorsed a bi-partisan U.S. Senate bill to label any content made with AI.
  • Over 1,000 WGA members and other media workers—and counting—representing more than 30 newsrooms and podcast companies, as well as the film/TV/streaming sector have signed our petition calling on employers to collaborate with workers in order to establish meaningful standards and safeguards for the use of AI.

Our work doesn’t stop here — and we’re calling on you to join the #AINeedsHumans Day of Action and help the WGAE give workers a voice when it comes to AI.

Day of Action Solidarity Toolkit — Here’s how you can help:

October 30th is the Writers Guild of America East’s #AINeedsHumans + #JournalismNeedsHumans Day of Action. Join us in advocating for worker protections around AI by participating in one of the actions below!

Step 1: Sign & share the AI solidarity petition

The WGAE’s petition calling for digital media employers to engage and protect workers when it comes to generative AI has been signed by over 1,000 current and former WGAE members and media/entertainment industry workers (and counting).

Read the full petition

Once you’ve read the petition, help us call on employers to include – and protect – media workers when making decisions about AI by signing the petition yourself (external – opens in a new window)!

Step 2: Post about the AI Day of Action on social media

Tell your friends and followers why you care about protecting workers from AI by posting to social media!

Use one of our sample messages

Copy one of the posts below and paste it into your preferred social media platform(s).

You also can download social media graphics to include in your post here. (external – opens in a new window)

  • Employers need to recognize that #JournalismNeedsHumans! I’m joining the @WGAEast in calling on employers to collaborate with workers before using AI tools in our workplaces to ensure they’re applied in ethical & equitable ways. #AINeedsHumans https://wgaea.st/AINeedsHumans
  • #AINeedsHumans – and #JournalismNeedsHumans too! I stand with my fellow @WGAEast members demanding that media industry employers publicly commit to never replacing a human worker with an AI tool. https://wgaea.st/AINeedsHumans
  • Employers & companies can restore trust with workers who are threatened by the emergence of AI in the workplace — and readers who are uneasy about AI-produced content — by giving workers a voice in how AI is used. #AINeedsHumans #JournalismNeedsHumans https://wgaea.st/AINeedsHumans
  • I stand with @WGAEast members calling on employers of unionized companies to engage in immediate, good faith negotiations on AI and guarantee that AI protections will be on the table in future bargaining. #AINeedsHumans #JournalismNeedsHumans https://wgaea.st/AINeedsHumans
  • AI can’t replace humans! I’m a member of the @WGAEast and demand that all companies bargain with workers over the use of AI in the workplace #AINeedsHumans #JournalismNeedsHumans https://wgaea.st/AINeedsHumans

Share your #AINeedsHumans/#JournalismNeedsHumans story

Tell us why meaningful AI regulation is important to you through a social media post, photo, or video — make sure to use the hashtags #AINeedsHumans and #JournalismNeedsHumans and tag @WGAEast!

Step 3: Sign up hear about future opportunities to support the WGAE’s AI efforts.

Our work on this issue is just beginning — and we can’t secure these crucial protections without support.

Fill out the contact form on this page to learn how you can get more involved in our fight to protect workers against the risks of AI.

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