Financial Planning for Writers

Event Details

Tuesday March 11, 2025 12:00 pm

via Zoom


A lunch & learn on Financial Resilience with Financial Planner John Froberg, CFP

This will be an interactive workshop focused on financial planning issues that apply specifically to writers. Topics will include:

  • Setting yourself up for financial success – understanding the numbers you need to know to take the pulse of your financial health.
  • Where to put your savings – balancing availability of savings with long-term opportunities for growth and tax savings.
  • How to grow your savings – arming yourself with the right information to make good investment decisions.

Testimonial from Flora: John has been meeting regularly with me since I started working professionally as a writer to discuss financial planning. John’s advice on savings, earnings and what jobs to take in our very volatile industry has been completely invaluable to me as I navigated the first steps of my career. Actually, he’s been so helpful that I’ve referred him to basically every writer I know!

About John Froberg

John Froberg is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM with IronBridge Wealth Counsel. John specializes in helping writers & producers maintain their desired standards of living without sacrificing longer-term career opportunities and prepare for any risks that might threaten their objectives. Learn more about John and IronBridge.

Securities and investment advisory services offered through Osaic Wealth, Inc member FINRA/SIPC. Additional investment advisory services through IronBridge Wealth Counsel, LLC. Osaic Wealth, Inc is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Osaic Wealth, Inc.

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