In the wake of their King T’Challa’s death, the technologically advanced kingdom of Wakanda and the powerful women who now rule it find themselves at the center of the world stage, fighting to protect their nation from intervening forces while carving a path forward.
Courtesy of: Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Motions Pictures
In order to give audiences around the world the opportunity to enjoy our movies to the fullest and allow them to discover any surprises and plot twists, we respectfully ask that you and your guest please refrain from revealing spoilers, cameos, character developments and detailed story points in your coverage, including on social media. The review embargo breaks on Tuesday, November 8th at 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET. No reviews should post until that time.
As a courtesy to the writer, please do not RSVP unless you can stay for the Q&A portion of this event.
Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Please arrive at least 30 minutes early. Screenings are overbooked to compensate for no-shows. RSVPs do not guarantee seating, and no one will be admitted once the film has started.