Susan Rinkunas

Candidate for Council, Online Media Sector

My name is Susan Rinkunas and I’m a freelance writer and current WGAE Council member for digital media. The time I’ve spent advocating for my WGAE colleagues has been some of the best of my life.

I helped negotiate VICE Union’s second contract in 2018, which helped set industry precedents for benefits like trans-inclusive healthcare. While I was a reporter at Jezebel, I helped bargain the third contract for GMG Union and co-organized its successful strike against the notorious G/O Media in March 2022. As a result of that labor action, we won 12% pay increases for our lowest-paid workers, and retained union successorship and humane severance benefits.

I know firsthand what private equity companies are doing to digital media through consolidation and ruthless budget cuts—I myself have been laid off twice in a little over three years. We also know more strikes could happen as other WGAE shops fight for what they deserve. Workers’ best chance in this environment is having a strong union presence and using our collective power on a daily basis, not just during contract negotiations.

It would be my honor to keep representing members of the online media sector on Council, and I look forward to continuing to support members in other sectors as they fight for better standards. I wholeheartedly support new organizing in podcasting, animation, and nonfiction because union density is crucial in setting better standards for all. As media companies continue to merge—and play to the whims of social platforms—workers’ responsibilities will overlap more and more. Our collaboration and solidarity are essential. Collectively, we can push back against the biggest issues our industry faces, including exploitative demands for free work, job creep, and unceasing layoffs. We’re all in this together.


Caitlin Cruz, Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, Hussein Darwish, Sara David, Nicholas Davis, Justin DiLauro, Vivian Ducat, Dawn Ennis, Elizabeth Godvik, Tian Jun Gu, A M Homes, Liz Hynes, Gail Lee, Terri Minsky, Sarah Montana, Anna Park, Erica Saleh, Jessica Schulberg, Sasha E Stewart

Endorse Susan Rinkunas for Council

Note: WGAW members who wish to endorse a candidate may follow the process outlined in section G.1.B of the 2024 Election Policy.