Become a Signatory
You can find the application documents and other useful information in the Relevant Links section below.
A signatory company is an employer that has signed a collective bargaining agreement with WGA. Any company intending to employ a Guild member, or option or purchase literary material from a Guild member, must become signatory to the Guild’s Minimum Basic Agreement. Signatory companies range from the industry’s biggest film studios to independent production companies, and from large broadcast/cable/streaming news networks to online media and entertainment companies.
WGAE Film/TV/Streaming members can only work for companies that are signatory to Guild contracts. If you would like to work for an employer who is not a signatory, call the Guild and we’ll help you strategize to make that happen. Contact the Organizing Department at 212-767-7808.
If you are forming your own production company, contact us about making your company signatory to a Guild Agreement. Contact the Signatories Department at 212-767-7837.
Working for a signatory company is always going to improve writers’ health and pension benefits and better their working conditions.
Signatory Application Procedures
A Company intending to employ, option or purchase literary material must be signatory prior to entering into an agreement with a Writer. In order to obtain signatory status, a company must complete the following steps:
Step 1.
Download and complete the signatory application. You can also contact Rochelle Rubin, the Signatories Administrator, to request a signatory application via:
- Telephone: (212) 767-7837
- Fax: (212) 582-1909 (Attn: Signatories Department)
- Email: Signatories
Step 2.
Complete and sign the application then submit it with a draft of the writer’s contract.
Please note these additional requirements for self-financed/-produced, Original New Media projects.
Return the application and all other required documents via mail to:
Signatories Department
Writers Guild of America, East, Inc.
250 Hudson Street
Suite 700
New York, NY 10013
Or via email to
The Signatories Department will review the application to determine if additional information and/or documents are needed (which may include various financial assurances). The Guild’s acceptance of your Company as a signatory may depend upon your properly executing all signatory documents.
If your company is not deemed an appropriate signatory, you will be notified. If the Guild accepts your Company as a signatory, you will be mailed a countersigned Letter of Adherence.
The Producer-WGA Pension and Health Plans will separately determine your Company’s status to the Trust Agreements.
A Company intending to employ, option or purchase literary material must be signatory prior to entering into an agreement with a Writer.