Fellowships: Building an Equitable Career Pipeline

New York Screenwriting Fellowship with FilmNation

In 2020, The Writers Guild of America East (WGAE) and FilmNation Entertainment invited seven writers to participate in the inaugural New York Screenwriters Workshop. Now known as the New York Screenwriting Fellowship, the six-month intensive program focuses on professional development for diverse, emerging screenwriters in the greater New York City area.

The inaugural Workshop provided the seven writers with both a screenwriting mentor and an industry executive mentor while the writer completed a feature length screenplay during the run of the program. Throughout the program, writers were also primed on the business of entertainment by various screenwriters and executives representing various New York City-based film companies. The program was initiated by FilmNation Diversity Committee members Alison Cohen, Liz Siegal and Lucy Licht.

The 2023 NY Screenwriting Fellowship screenwriting mentors were Andrew Bergman (THE IN-LAWS, BLAZING SADDLES), Derek Cianfrance (THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES, BLUE VALENTINE), James V. Hart (CONTACT, HOOK), Peter Hedges(PIECES OF APRIL, WHAT’S EATING GILBERT GRAPE), Tony Kushner (WEST SIDE STORY, LINCOLN), Rebecca Miller (SHE CAME TO ME, MAGGIE’S PLAN), and Jim Taylor (ABOUT SCHMIDT, JURASSIC PARK III) .

Learn more about the New York Screenwriting Fellowship

Support Staff Basic Training

The Writers Guild of America East Support Staff Basic Training program is a virtual bootcamp for underrepresented emerging writers looking to break into television at the support-staff level.

The initiative is designed and run by working television writers and former writers room support staff, and is divided into two tracks: Writers’ Assistant and Script Coordinator. Up to 8 applicants will be selected to participate in each track (up to 16 participants total).

Learn more about the Support Staff Basic Training

Made In New York Writers Room

Since 2016, the WGAE has partnered with the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) and the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) to present the Made in New York Writers Room. The Made in NY Writers Room is a six-month fellowship that provides emerging television writers, who represent diverse backgrounds and lack access to the industry, with six months of intensive early-career training.

The writers or writing teams selected to participate in each year of the paid fellowship participate in monthly one-on-one mentorship sessions with television showrunners, ongoing roundtables with other writers and industry executives, ongoing career development resources and trainings, and the opportunity to build a refined portfolio of at least two sample scripts.

Fellows are mentored by leading television showrunners like Anya Epstein (THE AFFAIR), Michael Rauch (INSTINCT), Beau Willimon (HOUSE OF CARDS), Robert Carlock (UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT), Soo Hugh (THE TERROR), Thomas Kelly (THE PURGE), Michael Rauch (INSTINCT), and Tom Scharpling (WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS), among others.

Learn more about the MINY Writers Room Fellowship

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