Professional Development
The Writers Guild of America, East
Invites you to attend
A Workshop Hosted by Wendy Goldman
Join Wendy Goldman for IMPROV FOR WRITING, a workshop that uses improvisational writing games to inspire creativity. The class is process oriented rather than results oriented, and the short pieces you will create could be the seeds of longer writing projects. Improv can inform the way you write, how you develop characters and it can help you find your voice as a writer.
Wendy Goldman is a film and television writer/producer. Most recently she was an Executive Producer of the critically acclaimed MTV series, FAKING IT. She performed in the main company of the famed Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles.
WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING: A notebook with plenty of paper and a good pen. No laptops or iPads, please. There is no performing involved.
RSVP Cancellation Policy
Three-Strike Rule
We understand that unplanned issues can come up and you may need to cancel your attendance at an event. If that happens, you must provide adequate notice of your cancellation or else you will incur a late-cancellation penalty.
For evening events, you must cancel your reservation by 9:00am on the day of the event to avoid a penalty.
For mid-day events, unless otherwise specified, you must cancel with at least 24 hours’ notice to avoid a penalty.
Cancellations must be made by email; phone cancellations will not be accepted.
After missing three screenings without sending a cancellation notice to within the defined window, you will be notified that you have been placed on a three-month hiatus from attending WGAE screenings.
Please note that is your responsibility to track your reservations and strikes. You will only be notified upon your third and final strike that you have been placed on hiatus.
Our priority is ensuring that our programming is robustly attended and accessible to all members. We hope this policy will enable us to better serve the needs of all members.